Trinty GPs has closed permanently from 24th January 2025, Friday .

To enable smooth transition in follow-up of results , we have requested The Beaches Family Practice ( located in Trinity Beach and Kewarra Beach) to follow-up patients needing review for results .

The Beaches Family Practice have kindly agreed to do so, if the patient wishes to be followed up by their team .

The Beaches Family practice have 12 GPs and have the capacity to take on new patients and are willing and able to follow -up patients from Trinity GPs following its closure.

We emphasise that you can choose any GP practice and any GP of your choice for ongoing care.

Health summary of all active patients in our system will be sent over to their registered e-mail indue course.

All health records will be stored securely. If you need more details , please apply through your new GP to the following e-mail:

If you want more detials from your records, please provide us a signed request from your new GP clinic using the below document
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